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Drag the button for the bookmarklet into your bookmarks bar.

(Keep in mind: You cannot use bookmarklets on a new tab or any system pages)

Useful Bookmarklets

Eruda (Inspect Element)

Inspect Element, click the button at the bottom right to activate it. It is open-source!

Activate Eruda

Firebug (Inspect Element #2)

Inspect Element (view and edit the html css and js of the page you are on)

Activate Firebug

X-Ray Goggles (Inspect Element #3)

This bookmarklet lets you edit any elements on the page with an inspect tool. (Press esc to exit it)

Activate X-ray Googles

Edit+ (Inspect Element #4)

Allows you to edit text on the page just by clicking there, and if you click the bookmarklet again it will disable it. Thank you BluePotato#8397 for finding this!

Edit On/Off

Portable about:blank embedder

about:blank embedder in a bookmarklet


Google Translate Proxy

view your website in a google translate preview

Google Translate Bypasser

View Page Source

View page source with Snoopy

View page source


Adblocker (Note: You will have to click it every time you go to a website)


Youtube Adblocker #2

Adblocker (Note: You will have to click it for every ad)

Youtube AdBlocker

Random Bookmarklets

Make page 3D

This does what the title says! Everything will be 3D!

Make Page 3D

Kick Ass

A fun game you can play and destroy things on the website you're on.

Kick Ass

Snake Game

Play snake in the corner of your page! Press P to play/pause

Play Snake

Return Youtube Dislikes

Shows you the dislikes on a Youtube video in a new tab.

Get Dislikes Hack

This gives you the max player and max pets in Hack


Allows you to AutoClick 135cps.

Activate AutoClicker

Dark Mode

Makes the background of the tab you are on dark.

Dark Mode

Force Picture in Picture

Forces the video you are watching to go into picture in picture mode (or just use the built in force in chrome)

Picture in Picture


Adds ants to the webpage

